Intimate health rehabilitation and aesthetics

The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles from the tailbone to the pubis that support the internal organs in the pelvic area: the bowel, uterus, bladder, etc. These muscles need to be cared for to function properly, just like any other muscles in the body.

The Primum Estetica Clinic’s specialised Centre for Intimate Health Rehabilitation and Aesthetics provides help for men with pelvic organ (genitourinary) function problems such as:

– erectile dysfunction,
– uncomfortable sexual intercourse,
– discomfort or pain when sitting,
– weakness or hyperreactivity of the pelvic floor muscles,
– incontinence of urine/faeces/gas,
– haemorrhoids.

These problems often progress slowly due to an unbalanced lifestyle, overweight or obesity, increased use of or dependence on alcohol or drugs, hormonal imbalances, urological surgery, prostate dysfunction, after oncological diseases, and age.

In addition, the pelvic floor muscles are affected by severe stress leading to painful spasms, various problems of the lumbar spine such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc prolapses, protrusions, hernias, etc.

This results in intimate health problems that affect men’s quality of life and relationships with their partners.

The effective solution to pelvic floor problems can only be the application of complex, individually tailored measures, and here the help of a urologist alone is not enough.

At the Centre for Intimate Health Rehabilitation and Aesthetics, men are supported by a professional team of doctors from various specialties:

plastic and reconstructive surgery doctors,

These specialists are involved in the prevention, minimally invasive treatment and rehabilitation of pelvic organ dysfunction.

One of the aims of the team is to teach patients how to train their pelvic floor muscles and thus prevent the development of urinary and faecal incontinence and haemorrhoids.

To restore impaired functions, the centre’s specialists use minimally invasive treatment methods:

– electromagnetic therapy,
– hyaluronic injections,
– PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections,
– minimally invasive, low-volume, body-sparing surgery.

The Primum Estetica Clinic’s specialised Centre for Intimate Health Rehabilitation and Aesthetics is the first specialised centre of its kind in the Baltic States.

The idea of bringing together specialists from different fields of medicine in centres for the treatment of pelvic dysfunction is not new. For the last few years, such centres have been presented by the international urological and proctological societies as the most convenient for the patient experiencing or wanting to avoid the pelvic floor dysfunction problems discussed above. The biggest advantage of these centres is that the patient is in the same healthcare facility where all the necessary treatment, rehabilitation and follow-up services for intimate health promotion or prevention are provided.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please contact us for a consultation with a urologist. Don’t let your health problems progress, improve your well-being and enjoy a full life again.

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